Are you looking for recommendations on getting a tank setup? See all the products I use or recommend that will be best for your Axolotl's care and needs!
I use these Axolotl Pellets for my adult axolotls and older juvenile axolotls. I recommend live food above all else. Some good examples of live food are Earthworms and Red Wigglers but having these pellets as an alternative food option is always great to have on hand!
Sponge Filters are great for growing and maintaining healthy bacteria in your tank water. These are not meant to be the only filter system in your tank as these don't provide media for circulating filtered water.
This is a commercial-grade air pump that I use for my multi-tank setup. The amount of air pressure output is the best I've seen and gives you a total of 6 valves to use. I would recommend any air pump that has at least a 8-watt copasetic to ensure an abundance of oxygen is being displaced in your tank.
This canister filter is great for 40-gallon tanks or more. If you have a 20-gallon tank I would go down one size to the Cascade 700. Having a canister filter allows you to add media to help with your filtration efficiency. The reason I like these canisters is because they come with a spray bar that prevents strong current water.
If you have a 20-gallon tank you could opt for a HOB filter (ones that hang on the edge of the tank) Just make sure it's not a cartridge HOB as those don't hold beneficial bacteria as well and are not as efficient when it comes to axolotl waste. Make sure it comes with sponge, carbon, and bio-media (seen below).
If your hob or canister doesn't already come with these, I highly recommend getting some! Your beneficial bacteria will grow on substrates, décor, and filter sponges but these provide optimal surface area conditions that help prevent a cycle crash when cleaning out sponges in your filter. Do not clean these as you will kill your growing bacteria colonies!
Adjust the size amount to your tank.
Having beneficial bacteria is a MUST when having an aquarium! Fritz Turbo Start 700 is a concentration of nitrifying bacteria that creates a natural nitrogen cycle in the tank. These bacteria consume ammonia and nitrites that convert into nitrates. Since this is concentrated, this will help speed up cycling a tank quicker!
After adding beneficial bacteria you need to feed them so they can grow and populate in your tank. This product is to only be used when doing a Fishless Cycle! Using this product is the safest method when adding ammonia to a cycling tank.
Prime may be necessary to use on your tank depending on your water quality if it has a lot of natural chemicals in it like chlorine or if you have a water softener.
I recommend getting a freshwater master test kit. This will help you determine if your water parameters are off and what could be the reason.